What Really Impacts Your Air Con Costs and Tips on How to Save

What Really Impacts Your Air Con Costs and Tips on How to Save

As a wise person once said, “saving energy TODAY will make TOMORROW brighter”... or something like that. 

It comes as no surprise that 20% of the total electricity used in buildings around the world today is by air conditioners and electric fans. 

Here in Sydney, we love cranking up the air conditioner during our scorching summers. But this comfort raises a crucial question: how much does it really cost to run an air conditioner throughout these hot months?

Depending on things like the temperature settings, how well your place keeps the cool air in, and the cost of electricity, running an air conditioner in Sydney might not be as bad as you think. If you keep in mind what really impacts your air con costs, you can keep those electricity bills affordable.

The Real Cost of Running an Air Conditioner

Before we get into it, let’s crunch the numbers of running an air conditioning in Sydney. Based on an electricity rate of 20c/kWh, running your air con at a comfy 23 degrees all day long, would only cost you about $1.40, roughly the same cost as an avocado. Not too shabby, right?

The average price of power in kilowatts per hour in New South Wales is around 34.07c , and say you installed one of our most popular units: A Daikin Split System Converter, one in the lounge room and one in your bedroom. Initial costs are approximately $6,000 for both units installed (depends on your property, access, and layout, so contact us here if you want an accurate quote). 

In this example, if you ran it every single day for a quarter, you'd be looking at around $126.72. Combine this with your initial investment, this totals $6506.88 in year 1. That's just over $17 per day, which is like treating yourself to lunch every day, but in return, you get to stay nice and cool, sleep better, relax better, and not feel so sticky or irritable. This information is based on the average hourly and daily running costs in Australia, which are $0.73 to $3.44 (finder.com.au). 

Even better? After your initial investment, in following years the cost will be significantly lower, especially if you’re not running it continuously throughout the year, such as during winter. 

However, there are several factors that play a role in determining the cost of running your air conditioner, let’s get into them.

What Really Impacts Your Air Conditioning Costs?

What temperature you run it on 

Well, first off, the temperature you set it to makes a big difference. Setting it way lower than needed, like at 16°C, can end up costing you more. Especially on an extremely hot day, which we frequently get here in Sydney. It's better to aim for a comfortable and continuous 22°C-23°C, and try not to have a huge gap between the outside and inside temperatures, because that makes your unit work overtime.

How big your house is and how insulated it is

The size of your house and how well it's insulated also play a part. If you've got a big area to cool and only one unit, try closing doors to reduce the space the air con has to work in.

Age of the unit matters too

Newer models are more energy-efficient, so that's something to think about. 

However, if you’ve got an older air con, it’s important to get professional air conditioning service and repairs to maintain your aging unit. Small issues can become rather big ones if they aren’t addressed, making the efficiency of the system decrease. Planning an annual air con tune-up might be a good one to put on your calendar. 

Older units can still be fine, you’ll just need to check how much energy it says it uses and follow these tips we’ve mentioned.

How you use it 

How you use your air con makes a difference. It's often better to keep it running steadily than turning it on and off all the time. Avoid using auto mode settings, and try combine your air conditioner usage with a ceiling fan to push the cool air around the room further.

Cost of Electricity 

And of course, the cost of electricity is a direct factor in how much it costs to run your air con. So, it's worth checking out different energy providers to see if you can get a better deal.

Understanding all this stuff can help you figure out how to balance keeping cool with what you can afford.

To sum it up

In summary, below are our top tips to keeping your air-con costs down year round:

  1. Keep the temperature moderate, not too low.
  2. Avoid constantly switching the unit on and off.
  3. Stay clear of auto modes.
  4. If you've got a big space, close the doors to keep the cool air where you need it.
  5. Check out if you can get a better deal on your energy rates.
  6. Team up your air con with a fan for some extra breeziness.
  7. Consider upgrading to a newer, more efficient model to save some cash in the long run.

If you’re looking for efficient air conditioning solutions, chat to one of our expert team members, today. 

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