We provide award-winning services to homeowners, businesses, strata corporations and real estate agents across Sydney.

Local Business Champion Awards
2024 Finalist
2023 Local Business Award Winner
2023 Winner
Service & Trade
Local Business Award Icon
2022 Finalist
Service & Trade
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Proud Supporters of Greenfleet

We are proud supporters of Greenfleet, an environmental not-for-profit organisation that has delivered climate action for over 25 years. We offset all carbon emissions produced by our operations with Greenfleet. Greenfleet was Australia’s first carbon offset provider and protects our climate by restoring native forests.

Greenfleet plants native biodiverse forests in Australia and New Zealand to restore critical ecosystems and capture carbon emissions on behalf of our supporters. Its forests are legally protected, absorb carbon from the atmosphere, improve soil and water quality, and provide vital habitat for native wildlife.

Greenfleet’s partnerships with local communities and Traditional Owners support broad benefits for the country and communities in which we live and work.

We embrace sustainability in all aspects of our operations

We strive to protect the environment wherever possible. Examples of our sustainable business practices include:

  • Reclaiming old refrigerant from redundant and failed systems, and disposing of it responsibly.
  • Once refrigerant is removed, disposing of each system responsibly
  • We regularly diagnose and report on systems that are inefficient. We then quote and promote the installation of more energy-efficient systems that use environmentally friendly R32 refrigerant.
  • We reduce waste by establishing a paper-free environment. All of our work is done on apps and online.
  • We turn all computers, lights and printers off when not in use.
Roberts Air Conditioning technician installing a residential air conditioning unit