Here Are Some Tips to Find the Best Air Conditioning Setting

man and woman fanning themselves on the couch

Air conditioning units are a relief from the hot weather outside. You use your air conditioner daily, especially when it starts to warm up. You must decide what temperature to set the system every time you use it. So, what is the best temperature to have your air conditioner on during summer, winter, or when the weather is nice? That’s what this blog post will answer, so keep reading!

Different Levels of Comfort

The optimal temperature for air conditioning, in the most general sense, is 78 degrees Fahrenheit (or between 25–26 degrees Celsius). This temperature range is comfortable for most people while also being energy efficient. However, there is no perfect setting for every home, and experimentation may be necessary to find what works best for you.

You may have to choose between lower electricity bills and a more comfortable home, or you may be interested in finding a balance between the two. Keep in mind that several factors can affect the temperature in your home, such as the number of residents, your physical activity, humidity, windows, and the amount of direct sunlight the house receives. Ultimately, the best temperature setting for air conditioning is the one that keeps you and your family happy and comfortable.

Remember that air conditioners are designed to offset extreme temperatures, regardless of whether you live in a warmer or cooler climate. Efficiency is essential, but comfort should also be taken into consideration.

Dealing with Australia’s Climates

Australia’s most efficient air conditioning temperature depends on the climate and season. Summers can vary depending on where you are in the country, whether you’re in the southern regions where it is often more relaxed than other places, or you’re located at the tip of the country where summers are sweltering. However, no matter how diverse climates can be, many Australians prefer an air conditioner setting of 22 degrees Celsius in the summer months and 19 degrees Celsius in winter. 

The recommended summer air conditioning setting is 23–24 degrees Celsius in southwest Western Australia, where the climate is primarily Mediterranean. In winter, 18 degrees Celsius is the most commonly used setting. Let’s compare these settings to Tasmania, where the weather is mild and temperate. In the summer, the recommended aircon setting is only two degrees. Air conditioners often work from 21 to 22 degrees Celsius in the winter.

Then you have the Australian Capital Territory, where the climate is oceanic; the best temperature in summer is between 26  to 27 degrees Celsius. The ideal temperature is around 19 to 20 degrees Celsius during winter.

You may still need to adjust the settings even with the temperature range. Each person and household can have varying levels of comfort. There may also be a cold snap during summertime, so homeowners may have to adjust their settings to fit the colder conditions. 

Remember, finding the correct air conditioning settings is not about turning your home into a meat freezer or hot sauna. It’s to offset the intense heat or cold outdoors. You should aim for a light, permeating breeze that doesn’t make you sweat. That’s when you’ve hit the right spot!


While the ideal temperature setting for air conditioning is 78 degrees Fahrenheit or 25–26 degrees Celsius, your location’s climate could affect this rule of thumb. That’s why you should work with experts in air conditioning from Penrith like Roberts Air Conditioning! Operating since 2014, we’re experts on sales, installation, repairs, and more, so you can get the most out of your unit—whether you’re a commercial or residential establishment! 

Get your free trial and discover your area’s perfect air conditioning settings today by visiting our website!